I love these kinds of posts, so let’s just get right to it.
- I’m on my right now to an epic motorcycle and camping weekend in New Hampshire and I’m stoked for it.
- I used to airbrush cars and motorcycles as a teenager. I should have never stopped.
- I really don’t like my name. I never thought it was fitting, and growing up there was always another Jessica in my class. If I could I’d change my name to my middle name.
- I’m good with blood and ghastly injuries, but I hide and make Chuck take care of it when the dog throws up. I can’t explain the rationale. There is none.
- I hate driving. I mean I have no issues with it, I can do it in the city and on the highway, heck that’s my daily commute, but I always try to talk someone else into driving when I can.
- I can’t cook plain white rice. I either forget to set a timer, or leave it on too high a heat. I know it’s ridiculous.
- I love a good wheat beer, especially with some good German food.
- I cry at every wedding I attend as well as every other time I read the news in the am. I’m pathetic, it’s cool.
- I’m currently addicted to Cookie Jam on my new phone.
- I also have a problem with Doritos. When they are at hand I have no self control.
There now you know a few more things about me. If your dying for more info like I know you are, check out my list of 32 things that make me happy, how I spend my me time, learn about my quirks, or find out what kinda girl I am.
Also head over to Helene’s page to find out more stuff you don’t know about your favorite bloggers.
It’s impossible to eat just one Dorito! I’m definitely Team Nacho Cheesier, though — Cool Ranch just isn’t as good. :p
I totally and completely agree!!!
I hate driving too! it’s the worst. and I like your name 🙂
Lol Thanks Helene.
I have a 30 minute drive to and from work every day, so I get sick of driving, easily. I was always the one in college to drive everywhere, too. I will make someone else drive, if I can. People are too unpredictable on the interstate. It’s absolutely ridiculous.
I just drove through NH this weekend. Their interstate system is different than the one I’m used to, so omg the stress! I totally understand.