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Third Trimester Thoughts

I realize at this point we haven’t actually completed the third trimester, but anything that happens differently at this point is going to be more about birth than the actual trimester. Also, I wanted to get down my thoughts before they were altered too much by time and events. I’m told that happens.

The Announcement

First Trimester Thoughts

Second Trimester Thoughts

This trimester has been distinctly different than the others. I mean I’m getting the same questions that I was before, and the answers haven’t changed much, but other things are different. The one thing that everyone has been asking which is a little different lately is if we are ready, and to that my answer is of course not. How can anyone be ready for such a huge life change? Even if you do all the research, have lived with young kids and all the other things, the first baby is a whole new experience. It’s a different experience for everyone, and no one knows what to expect. So on paper? Yeah sure we have all the things, but the reality is we are no more ready than the next new parents.

First Trimester

Second Trimeter

I generally feel well. I don’t have a ton of swelling which is nice, but I do have quite a bit of pain or uncomfortableness. My hips are probably the worst, but I also have a decent amount of back and toosh pain. Yep, my toosh hurts. I said it. I don’t know whether walking differently because of the weight causes it or if it has something to do with the random sciatic pain that I get depending on the babies position, but it feels most evenings like I just ran bleachers at track practice (I know some of you out there know what I’m talking about).

I’ve already discussed a lot of me feelings around my gestational diabetes diagnosis, so I won’t go into that a lot here. I’m doing better with it and am actually kind of seeing it as a blessing because it forces me to think about the food I eat. I know I am doing my best to provide my growing baby with nutrient-dense, high-quality food. It’s something that has always been important to me, but like so many of us I too have a history of making exceptions, and excuses and giving into the highly processed junkity-junk. Knowing that if I screw up now it affects my child really does a lot for my morale and consistency. I’m hoping this mentality will stick around. I want to be a great example for my child and not eat quite so many mozzarella sticks.  Because, in this household, it comes down to mozzarella sticks.

I also want to take a moment to recognize how blessed I am we are. I have a wonderful husband who words cannot describe. He has been there to help me out every step of the way. He only wants the best for both me and our child. There is no way I could do all of this without him. I could not be happier to have him as my partner in life. It amazes me every day that I am worthy enough to have found this amazing person to stand by my side.

I am so excited (and equally terrified) to transition into this new stage of life.

Wish us luck!


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