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This Year’s One Little Word

We have come to that time of year again when everyone gets all reflective and/or ambitious as the New Year approaches. I am absolutely one of those people. I think it’s important to do regular reflections and goal assessing, though this year I kind of failed at both.

I say kind of because I had the inkling I would fail at a lot this year. Maybe fail is not the right word, perhaps let go is better? What I’m trying to say is that I knew this year would be a huge adjustment for our little family and I was prepared to let go (or fail) at a lot of things as we figured out this new world as a family of four. I guess that’s why I chose the word BREATHE for 2019.

Having two kids so close together really threw us for a loop as far as routines and lifestyle goes. It has taken a long time to figure out a new normal, which by the way when you have young kids changes continually, so there’s never really a normal anymore. Let’s chalk that up as lesson no. 1 of 2019.

The Facts:

The Feelings:

The Word

This year the word I have chosen is GROW. I chose this word for so many reasons. I want to grow strong, kind and loving little boys. I want to grow my business(es). I want to grow as a person.

There are some changes planned for 2020, though nothing as big as what we have already had. I’m excited to experience new things, and for our family to grow together. Growth happens in so many ways, not just in the standard physical meaning, but personal growth is high on the list. I’m not sure what this is going to look like yet, but I’m ready for all that this life has to throw at me.

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