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Weekend Links

This is a little list of all the awesome stuff I’ve seen around the net lately. There seems to be a ton lately! If you want more awesome links all the time follow me on twitter. 

Here we go!

4 reasons why some people do well as vegans, while others fail miserably – I found this intriguing. Without getting into too much detail I respect the choice to be vegan, but I also do not think it is a realistic diet for most people. Close is good.

I loved this list of sourdough starter names, and have been racking my brains to come up with my own that’s just as good.

This article on the state of seafood is concerning.

And now they are telling us there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish soon. WHAT?

We need to stop sanitizing everything in our lives – can’t say it enough.

16 More Tips for Living without Plastic

Women using technology to help women. I love this! and I’m looking forward to finding some new bras.


Things I’ve been pinning lately:


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