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Weekend Links

There are quite a few things that I am obsessing about right now and I thought that you might enjoy a look at some of them as well. So because my life is a little hectic right now, or I’m lazy (you decide) here is a list of links and a picture of my adorable puppy.

I’m obsessing over this artist right now.

Missed Connections. How is everything this girl writes so good? Like so incredibly good. I will never have her abilities.

There is so much in this post I agree with. It’s all about vaccines FYI.

On Trichinosis in Wild Game – An interesting overview on food safety for my hunter/gatherer crowd.

On being self funded. It’s scary, it’s hard, and it’s complicated.

More on comparison.

The Health Benefits of Yarn Craft

I love this book, but for $7,000 I will sell it an buy a new one when it comes around again in a few months. Any takers? Just kidding, kind of.

Beauty is Everywhere: Women from 37 Countries.

Why You Don’t Need to Find Your Passion to Do What You Love

I’m reading The 4-Hour Workweek
. Here and here are some interesting thoughts on it.

Being a woman in business is changing and it’s awesome.

Things I wish I knew when I started Blogging.

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