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Weekend Links

This is a little list of all the awesome stuff I’ve seen around the net lately. If you want more awesome links all the time follow me on twitter. 

On to the links!

“The Powers That Be may not heed our protests, read our letters, listen to our environmental groups, but they can’t stop us from taking back the dollars we inadvertently contribute to their polluting economy every year.” – 9 Things you can do about Climate Change

And the first 3 things on that list would simultaneously change the food system in the US. I posted this link last month but it bears re-posting again: Do you have the Balls to Really Change the Food System?

And if those don’t do it for you how about the fact that none of us really know what exactly we are eating anymore, for example do you really know how many skittles you’ve had in your beef this week?

I was sad to see that 6-Year-Old Girls Already Have Gendered Beliefs About Intelligence and it’s not in their favor. How do we combat this?

A crash course in understanding the new animal welfare labels. 

Noam Chomsky thinks the biggest news of November 8 was actually ‘barely noted’ 

As for pins I’m loving lately. . .



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