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Weekend Links

The internet is a wild and wonderful place. Every couple of weeks I like to share all of the things that I stumbled on that made me giggle, stop and think, cry, or snort. You know all the best stuff. I hope it keeps you entertained this Friday. Enjoy!


First and foremost. This is a thing, like a real thing, and I’m just out of words to explain it. This man, a farmer from Virginia is claiming a land in Africa so that his daughter can be a real life princess. WHAT?!

This video made me snort tea out of my nose. It was hilarious. Also P.S. I want Anna Kendrick to be my BFF. P.P.S Pitch Perfect 2 was amazing, I’m ready for number 3.

21 Surprising Statistics that Reveal How Much Stuff We Actually Own – Remove surprising and replace it with terrifying or disgusting. Either way everyone should read this, and then really think about what it means.

Simon over at The Becomer is giving away a copy of Tim Ferriss’ 4 Hour Work Week. 

“The way he sees the concept of getting education is not only learning the dry facts that you need to learn in class, but also learning values. And that’s the very important message that my dad wants to endow to the world.” – All for helping out a mother trying to get her education.

Why all Instagram Food Porn is Shot from Above. 

Bone broth has been around for centuries, but now that it’s cool it has become a hot button topic. 

Food Photography by color. 

All that Twitters Is Gold – a thought provoking post from fellow ginger Nikki

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