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Weekend Links 7.3.15

A round up of awesome stuff I found on the internet this week.

It’s July 4th weekend!!! Thank God for 3 day weekends!

I’m finally starting to plan our Italy Honeymoon/trip for 2016 and I can’t stop day dreaming about it and travel in general. This post did not help…the pictures!

Interesting thoughts on Millenials and investing.

However, will we even be able to make money to invest it in the future?

7 Things You Should Have in the Kitchen by Age 30. I can get behind most of these, and in fact own all but 2 already, they are on the list to get now that I have a real kitchen.

The FDA is banning trans fats. This is huge, and a giant step for our nations health, but it makes you think since it takes so much to get the FDA to do anything, just how bad are trans fats?

Avril Lavigne talks Lyme Disease. I’ve seen what this disease can do, and in some cases its not as simple as one treatment to cure it. It is a big deal and we need to start treating it that way.

I really liked this video that I saw on Brooke’s Blog last week. I just love how all the women in it are different ages, shapes, and into different sports. It’s super motivating.

Also This new trailer for a Walking Dead spin off has me all excited

And lastly because this cracked me up and clearly there aren’t enough videos in this post already. The whole Rachel Dolezal thing is hilarious to me.

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