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Weekend Links

I want to take a minute before I bombard you with all the cool things that I have seen on the internet lately and just mention that some big things are going to be happening here on the blog soon. Like super big exciting things. I’m going to try to keep the daily program around here the same, but next week might be a bit difficult. Hang in there with me, and I’m hoping we come out a little stronger and more professional looking on the other side.

First up in case you missed who won the Boston Marathon.

I had a little too much fun checking out google’s Loch Ness Underwater Street View. I might be a nerd.

Check out these girls. Just wait for the lead guitarists solo. You wont believe they are 14, 12, and 9.

I love these “through the years” Videos. This one about womens exercise cracked me up.

Just scroll through this article. I didn’t read it at all, but the sandwiches have me mesmerized.

This little red head at 5 years old has raised over $25,000 from her lemonade stand. Find out why!

Does anyone want to get the Wood Brothers to come do this at my wedding in September?

Speaking of music. This band is my newest obsession.

This kid is real and his family is using his fame to help save his dad. Sometimes the internet does wonderful things.

36 Celebrities that Prove that Pale is the New Tan – I’m finally back in style!!!

The author of this article won a Pulitzer Price. Now go read it, because it’s amazing.

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